Trees do fantastic things for humans and animals.
For all the creatures who live there, woodlands provide essential food, water and shelter.
Unfortunately, Britain is one of Europe's least wooded countries, with tree coverage of just 13%, compared to Europe's average of 37%. Only 2.5% of England is covered by ancient woodland, a practically irreplaceable habitat that remains threatened by conflicting land demands.
Bees, butterflies and other insects have suffered rapid declines in recent years. Numbers of British birds have decreased by as much as 95% since 1970, and hedgehog numbers have halved since the turn of the millennium.
To ensure wildlife; our pollinators, natural pest controllers and ecosystem balancers have a future, we must work towards establishing the ancient woodlands of the future, by creating permanently protected new woodlands on land that we own and have full control over.
Thankfully, these declines can be addressed and reversed by creating and re-connecting habitats. New Woodlands aims to create habitat corridors by creating new, permanently protected woodlands that are directly connected to existing ones. This ensures badgers, bats, dormice, birds, and other wildlife can all move freely and safely from one place to another.
More info:
Creating and connecting habitats helps British wildlife thrive
The Tree Planters' trustees have agreed to change the charity's name to New Woodlands.
We believe this name more clearly communicates our overall goal than The Tree Planters does, as planting trees is only one small part of creating new permanently protected woodlands.
Please use our new web address;,
and our new email address; Our old email addresses will be closing in a few months.
With huge thanks for your support,
Sam, Alex, Tom and George (New Woodlands team)